1. Cost saving
When it comes to industrial and structural design materials, fiberglass has an advantage over industrial materials in many ways. Material choices always play an important role when planning and executing a construction project cost. FiBAR® lets you save money directly as compared to the traditionally used material let alone the indirect cost savings such as 2-3% wastage of steel, transportation, on-site handling labor cost, improved labor efficiency due to low fatigue of laborer, and improved life of flooring because of non-corrosive nature of FiBAR®, faster construction process than with steel, etc.
2. High strength
Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers (GFRP) have characteristics like high strength, well resistance to water and chemicals with a low cost making them widely applied in the construction industry. Glass fiber is combined with resin to form a durable composite of high strength. The continuous length of reinforcing fibers gives the fiberglass bars their high tensile strength. FiBAR® possesses high bond strength which enables the strong bonding of concrete and the rebars, and compressive strengths along with its tensile strength when compared to other relevant metals.
Your RCC structure will be twice as strong as metal bars when reinforced with FiBAR®. High strength FiBAR® implies lower diameter rebar than used traditionally. FiBAR® has a tensile strength of 2 times that of steel.
3. Super-light material
FiBAR® has an overall density of ONLY 1900 kg/ cubic meter making it super-light rebar. It reduces the overall dead load of your structure as it is 80% lighter than the equivalent diameter of the usual material. Thereby reducing the carbon footprint for transportation and on-site handling cost making it eco-friendly.
4. More durable
FiBAR® provides 80-100 years to your structures thus reducing its maintenance and life cycle cost and low carbon footprint.

5. Easy to use
Being a super-light material, FiBAR® is easy to lift, place and handle. As lightweight rebars are transported in coils, large quantities of rebars can be transported faster than steel. In addition, they can be cut on-site using simple tools for easy installation. The efficiency of workers is increased when FiBAR® is used*
*Based on true stories.
6. Non-corrosive nature
Since FRP is composed of resin and glass fibers, it contains no iron or metal. This means there is absolutely no chance of the development of rust. FRP performs so well in wet conditions that it is used in many ‘wet’ industries such as Waste water treatment plants, oil rig structures, waterparks, building constructions, etc. FiBAR® being a waterproof product leaves no possibility for corrosion and prevents failure of structures.
Corrosion in rebar leads to its expansion up to 4x which induces stresses in brittle concrete causing cracks in structures. FiBAR® is corrosion-resistant thus providing a longer lifespan to reinforced concrete structures.
Water-resistant FiBAR® is ideal to use in humid conditions and water-rich areas such as water tanks, retention walls, foundations, STPs, and ETPs. and corrosion-intensive applications like swimming pools, basements, and drain channels.
7. Eco-friendly
FRP shows chemical inertness to corrosive elements and opposes its natural degradation. These characteristics cut down the energy-intensive maintenance and replacements required. Manufacturing of FRP shows a reduced impact on the environment than the methods of preparation of traditionally used materials. It uses fewer greenhouse gases and less energy than other metals. The manufacturing and installation of FiBAR® are energy efficient, require less heat, and cause less pollution. FiBAR® is made up of 70-80% inert material i.e. glass fiber. The lightweight of FiBAR® reduces the carbon footprint caused due to transportation, and corrosion, making it eco-friendly.
8. Non-conductor of heat and electricity
FRPs have a low thermal conductivity which means that heat transfer occurs at a lower rate. This results in a more comfortable product surface when physical contact occurs. As an exceptional alternative to traditionally used metals, fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) products are safer due to their high heat resistance. Miles of electrical wirings are used to bring power to buildings. This, in turn, can generate a lot of heat, especially in large commercial buildings. The heat coming from thermal or electrical sources does not damage or melt FiBAR®, unlike other metals. FiBAR® is a non-conductor of heat and electricity which reduces the cooling cost of structures. FiBAR® is Electro Magnetic interference (EMI) and Radio Frequency interference (RFI) transparent, making it an ideal application in MRI rooms, high voltage transformer rooms, foundations, etc. FiBAR® is radio transparent which makes it suitable for high voltage transformer foundations, MRI room structures, and similar applications.